Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/u425698080/domains/ on line 410

Chương trình đào tạo Trados 2015: Intermediate

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/u425698080/domains/ on line 247

Thông tin chi tiết về chương trình đào tạo Trados 2015 Intermediate dành cho translators và Project Managers

1. Mục đích

Chương trình này được thiết kế cho những người dùng muốn nâng cao hơn những điều cơ bản của SDL Trados 2015.

2. Các chủ đề chính bao gồm:

  • Hiệu quả xử lý nhiều tập tin thông qua các dự án
  • Thực hiện Batch tasks tài liệu trước khi dịch
  • Thống kê dự án và báo cáo
  • Các tính năng dịch nâng cao
  • Đảm bảo chất lượng tự động
  • Thực hiện reivew.

3. Đối tượng:

Dành cho translators, những dịch giả đã có kiến thức cơ bản về Trados 2015, hoặc đã tìm hiểu Chương trình đào tạo Trados 2015 Getting Started: Translating.

4. Nội dung chương trình đào tạo

a. Effectively processing multiple documents with projects

  • When to create a create project, when to open a single file for translation?
  • Creating a new project
    – Defining the project information, e.g. name, due date, …
    – Picking source and target languages
    – Adding files to the project
    – Adding TMs, AutoSuggest dictionaries, termbase

    • Using multiple TMs in parallel

    – Batch tasks: analyzing and pre-translating files

  • Reading the project statistics
    – General project overview
    – Reading the analyze/pre-translate reports
    – Project files overview
  • Translating pre-translated files
    – What are context matches?
    – Global find and replace
    – Quickly inserting special characters, e.g. smart quotes, em dash, etc.
    – Selecting matches from multiple TUs (coming from different TMs)
    – Troubleshooting tag/formatting issues
    – Changing the segmentation on the fly: splitting and merging segments
    – Quickly going to a particular segment, e.g. to a particular segment number, going to the next untranslated segment, etc.
    – Display filtering: only showing segments of a particular type, e.g.:

    • Focusing on newly-translated segments during proofreading
    • Focusing on 100% pre-translated segments
    • Focusing only on segments that contain a particular string

    – Creating an AutoText entry on the fly Finalizing the project

  • Finalizing the project
    • Updating the TM with all reviewed document content
    • Creating the target files to deliver

b. Merging several files into one

  • Use case for merging documents, i.e. QA check and find/replace operations in a single document rather than in many files
  • Effective repetition handling: AutoPropagate settings

c. Automated quality assurance (QA) on the merged file after translation

  • What is QA Check?
  • Configuring QA settings
  • Finding untranslated/forgotten segments
  • Number check
  • Punctuation check
  • Multiple spaces check
  • Duplicated words check
  • Inconsistencies check
  • QA Check on the fly
  • Batch QA Check on the whole document

d. Ensuring terminological consistency through term verification

  • What is term verification?
  • Configuring the verification options
  • Check for failure to use target terms from the termbase
  • Check for ‘forbidden’ or outdated terms

e. Reviewing files

  • Effectively handling reviews in SDL Trados Studio
  • Opening a translation in review mode
  • Applying and tracking changes Adding comments

f. Signing off on translations

  • Open the file in sign-off mode
  • Filter for all segments with comments and/or changes
  • Accepting changes
  • Rejecting changes

g. Adapting the application to your personal style of working

  • Defining your own keyboard shortcuts

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