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Chương trình đào tạo Trados 2015 Project Managers – Managing Projects

Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /home/u425698080/domains/ on line 247

Thông tin chi tiết Chương trình đào tạo Trados 2015 Project Managers – Managing Projects

1. Mục đích

Chương trình “Managing Projects” được thiết kế để các nhà quản lý dự án với các chức năng quan trọng nhất của SDL Trados Studio 2015, và cung cấp cho quản lý dự án những kiến thức cần thiết để xử lý công việc hàng ngày

2. Các chủ đề chính bao gồm:

  • Làm việc với các file MS Offiec
  • Creating Project
  • Scoping projects, Generating word counts, analysis reports (Phạm vi, thống kê số từ, báo cáo dự án)
  • Creating Package, Điều phối dự án công việc cho translators and reviewers
  • Finalizing projects

3. Đối tượng:

Khóa học này là dành cho Project Managers đã chưa làm việc với SDL Trados 2015, và muốn làm quen với các ứng dụng càng nhanh càng tốt để bắt đầu làm việc hiệu quả ngay từ ngày đầu.

4. Nội dung chương trình đào tạo

a. Giới thiệu về Công nghệ dịch (CAT Technologies)

b. Giới thiệu về phần mềm dịch thuật SDL Trados 2015

  • Starting the application for the first time
  • Setting up the environment
    • Adding users
    • Adding customers

c. Opening and processing project packages (an overview of how translators work)

  • What are project packages?
  • Opening a project package
  • Translating the package files
    – Introduction to the translation editing environment
    – Navigating in the editor: going up and down to the previous/next sentence
    – Translating a sentence from scratch
    – Quickly inserting words and expressions suggested by the AutoSuggest dictionary and termbase
    – Confirming translations and saving them to the TM database
    – Effective handling of repeated sentences (Auto-propagation)
    – Re-using an existing translation from the TM (exact match)
    – Modifying a translation suggestion (fuzzy match)
    – Looking up words and expressions in the TM (concordance search)
    – Spell check
    – Applying formatting
    – Inserting tags (QuickInsert)
    – Previewing files in their original layout
    – Previewing the translation in MS Word
    – Previewing the document in real-time while translating
    – Auto-localization of dates
    – Editing the source text
    – Merging segments
    – Previewing PowerPoint slides in their original layout, e.g. to check whether the target content fits into text boxes
  • Creating the return package for delivery

d. Tạo project

  • Adding general project information, e.g. project name, description, due date, … Selecting project source and target languages
  • Adding the files to translate
  • Adding language resources for more effective translation: translation memories (TMs), AutoSuggest dictionaries, termbases
  • Automatic project preparation:
    – Analyzing files
    – Pre-translating files
    – Saving the project as template for future projects

e. Viewing project info and statistics

  • Analyze and pre-translate reports
  • Files overview

f. Tạo packages

  • Creating a project package for the translator
  • Importing the return package delivered by the translator
  • Creating a project package for the reviewer
  • Importing the return package with the reviewed content
  •  Reviews outside of SDL Trados Studio
    – Scenario 1: Generating bilingual MS Word files for review purposes
    – Scenario 2: Performing the review directly in the native format (e.g. MS Word or MS PowerPoint)
    – Integrating the changes made during review into the Studio project

g. Signing off on the project

  • Viewing comments added by the reviewer
  •  Filtering for commented and changed segments
  •  Viewing changes made by the reviewer
  •  Accepting and rejecting changes Signing off on reviewed content
    – Running an automated quality assurance check on the project, e.g. checking for punctuation mistakes
  • Correcting mistakes reported by the automated quality assurance
  • Finalizing the project
    – Updating the TM based on the reviewed and signed-off content

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